Discover Your Resilience Psychotherapy is a practice that is client-centered and strengths-based because it’s all about you. Discover Your Resilience Psychotherapy offers services to adolescents, adults, and couples, to provide supportive and solution-focused services with a philosophy of healing and a mission to:

01. GUIDE clients in discovering their resilience, establishing a secure sense of self, and embracing their voice, power, and strengths

02. HELP foster feelings of self-empowerment to promote personal growth and positive change 

03. SUPPORT clients in taking action to lead the healthy and stable life they desire

This practice specializes in working with individuals and couples to provide support with anxiety, depression, interpersonal difficulties, stress management, grief, preventative divorce and separation, break-up support, difficulties with dating, conflict resolution, communication skills, self-reflection, self-empowerment, and other life transitions.  

We all have the ability to take the steps necessary to lead the life path we desire; we all have the power to transform our lives. Sometimes, though, we need some support in embarking on the journey of healing. 

All are accepted, all are valued, all have the ability to persevere and grow…


“Resilience is the best predictor of success.” – Angela Duckworth, Psychologist